Fish & Game Adult tennis
Sign up on the F&G calendar through the app or website. |
Cardio Tennis a great way for adults to enjoy the game: you’ll listen to music, get a great workout, socialize, and improve your game. It is an excellent way to get into a more active lifestyle by getting your heart pumping and feet moving. The time will fly by while you’re working out and having fun! All levels welcome.
1hr | $25/member
Adult Drill & Play
...emphasizes singles and doubles play with drills that focus on a particular shot, stroke or strategy, followed by play to practice the execution of such. Pros are on hand for the entire 90min to ensure feedback during drills and play. Players of all levels are welcome, as pros will divide players appropriately by court.
$150/member for a 6-week session
interclub Teams
...offer the perfect opportunity to get some exercise, competition and socialization on-court. Fish & Game sponsors 4 women’s teams in the NJWTL and 2 men’s teams in the NJTL. Women's teams encompass all levels and play a 9 match season with 4 courts of doubles per team per week; men's teams cater to intermediate and advanced players, and men's seasons include 7 matches with 2 courts of singles and 3 courts of doubles per team per week. If you are interested in joining, please contact Scott Veith (
Women's Tuesdays or Wednesdays 930am mid-April - mid-June
Men's Saturdays May through June and July through August Dates TBD
Open tennis a favorite at F&G! Pros Scott & Geoff will demonstrate a shot/stroke/strategy of the week you'll work to incorporate in your game, trying some friendly singles or doubles with other players. All levels welcome, as Scott & Geoff will appropriately match players on court.
Mondays 6-730pm $20/member